ชื่อกระทู้: Best Video Cutter and Joiner to Process H.265 Encoded Videos [สั่งพิมพ์] โดย: Velemoochi เวลา: 14-1-2016 08:11 ชื่อกระทู้: Best Video Cutter and Joiner to Process H.265 Encoded Videos Best Video Cutter and Joiner to Process H.265 Encoded Videos
Summary: Do you have some video files encoded in H.265 codec, which you need to cut, join and convert before playing, editing, sharing or burning?
Do you have some video files encoded in H.265 codec, which you need to cut or join before playing, editing, sharing or burning? However, many programs in the market lacks the capability to handle H.265 video, so do you want to know what is the best video cutter and joiner to process H.265 encoded videos.
After testing most of the programs on the internet, here I would like to recommend you Pavtube Video Converter, the best video cutter and joiner, which can meet all your needs.
1. Cut video files
You can cut the black frames at the beginning and end of video so your video shows only the part you want without any quality loss. The built-in split function gives you the chance to split a large video into smart parts or segments by file count, file time length or file size.
2. Join video files
To join all the video clips together, you can utilize the "Merge into one function" to combine all separate videos into one single file in one simple click.
3. Convert between H.265
No matter the H.265 videos are from Samsung NX1, iPhone 6S or YouTube, this wonderful video converter can easily convert H.265/HEVC to other codec. Also, it can convert any video format to other formats in H.265.
4. Output playable videos for 4K player
The program allows you to convert any video to H.265 for 4K player, like LG 4K TV, Vizio 4K TV, QuickTIme, Xbox One etc
Steps to Use Best Video Cutter and Joiner to Process H.265 Encoded Videos
Step 1. Load video files
Launch and start the program on your computer, click "File" > "Add Video/Audio" or "Add from Folder" to import source files to the program. You can also directly drag and drop the files to the app.
Adjust video order: Click the "Move up" or "Move down" arrow under the video file displaying window to adjust your source video file order according to your own needs.
Step 2: Merge several videos into one.
On the main interface, check option to combine all your video clips into one single file.
Step 3: Trim video files.
The "Trim" feature allows users to decide where to start and where to end when converting the selected clip, so that unwanted segments will be cut out after conversion. To trim a video, please switch to "Trim" tab in “Video Editor” Interface and follow any of the methods below:
1. Drag the control sliders to include the segment you want to remain.
2. Click the left square bracket to set start point, and click the right square bracket to set end point when previewing the video.
3. Input specific values to “Start” and “End” box.
Trim frame by frame: Pavtube Video Converter Ultimate offers "Previous Frame" and "Next Frame" options for users to select frames and trim accurately.
Step 4: Split selected file into several small pieces.
By clicking the "Split" button on file list, or from "Edit" menu, you can launch the "Video Split" window. Checking "Enable" to enable it, and then you can split the file by file count, time length, or file size.
Step 5: Set output file format(optional)
Tap on the "Format" bar, choose final player compatible format as output file format. The program provides optimized preset format for mainstream player for you to choose. You can keep H.265, or you can choose to output "H.264 HD Video(*.mp4)" under "HD Video" if you can not sure weather the player supports H.265 or not.
Tip: Profile parameters can be customized in “Settings”, including video codec, file size, bitrate, frame rate, audio sample rate, audio channels, etc. to get a satisfying video/audio playback on your devices.
Step 6: Start to convert
Press the right-bottom "Convert" button, a window will pop out with the video cutting, joining and conversion process. When the conversion is completed, you can find your converted files by clicking "Open output folder".
Now, you are free to transfer the converted video for playing, editing, sharing or burning. You can also transfer to Cloud Storage, and enjoy from projector on family party.