ชื่อกระทู้: Looking for English clan to play with. [สั่งพิมพ์] โดย: islayzombies เวลา: 27-5-2015 23:44 ชื่อกระทู้: Looking for English clan to play with. I am looking for a clan that speaks english good enough to understand callouts. I consider myself to be a very good PVP player although my lag sometimes make it seem otherwise. I made it to top 10 on the normal ISS for Paragon and top 100 for assassin. โดย: c71rca เวลา: 28-5-2015 19:20
English player here, looking for group/clan to pvp with. let me know! Have gear to support all my murderous habbits. โดย: Gamerxp00 เวลา: 31-5-2015 15:18
Check out our clan, http://infest.exe.in.th/board/fo ... &extra=page%3D1
See you on our teamspeak 3 server!: voice.machine-networks.com