ชื่อกระทู้: About hackers (cheaters) [สั่งพิมพ์] โดย: emerald เวลา: 11-8-2015 01:17 ชื่อกระทู้: About hackers (cheaters) Hey everybody ,
I was playing this game for 3 days and I watched there were so much hackers ! (On begginer server , because i can't enter on official servers yet)
Every time there is someone typing on the chat a link to a cheater site .
And ... i can't go pvp , because on the servers who have a lot of people have someone using speed melee and killing everybody !!
I suggest to the DEV'S (ADMINISTRATOR) put 1 or 2 accounts for computer . PLEASEEE ;-; !!
This guys who use hacks, they do not deserve more them 1 chance to play !!!!